Venetian mask, Mirrored bridge in Venice
70 X 150 cm
70 X 150 cm
"Maschera Veneziana, Venice" by Alexander Shimbarovsky is a stunning example of the intersection of modern art movements and the surrealist movement. The photograph depicts a mirrored bridge in Venice, creating the illusion of a mask, evoking the theme of disguise and deception that is prevalent in the history of the surrealist movement.
The distorted gondolas floating on the water and tourists walking along the bridge symbolize the fussiness of modernity. And the photographer's surrealistic techniques allow him to work with the plasticity of the material architectural world like a sculptor. Shimbarovsky's use of these techniques is a new direction of creativity in the surrealistic photography movement. As it works with different dynamics of objects, environment, people, water, boats, and background statics.
Speculative and sensual contemplation allows the viewer to notice the interaction of time and matter, to observe from other dimensions on the world familiar to us. And to leave their point of view and mentally move along the “line of sight”. Shimbarovsky's "Maschera Veneziana, Venice" is not just a beautiful photograph. But a thought-provoking exploration of the themes and techniques of the surrealist movement. And a testament to the ongoing relevance of new art movements in the modern art world.
The image captures the essence of the surrealistic art movement, which aims to challenge the viewer's perception of reality and make them question the nature of the world. The mirrored bridge creates a sense of confusion and illusion, making the viewer question what is real and what is not. The distorted gondolas and tourists on the bridge further add to this sense of uncertainty, making the viewer question their own perception of the world.
Artist manages to capture the dynamic movement of the water and the boats while also freezing the moment in time. The photograph is both a snapshot of reality and a surrealistic interpretation of it.
"Maschera Veneziana, Venice" is a thought-provoking work of art. It challenges the viewer's perceptions and makes them question the nature of reality. It is a true testament to the ongoing relevance of the surrealist movement in the modern art world. That artwork is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of the surrealist movement, or for anyone who wants to experience the true power of surrealistic art.